Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Writing Opportunity

I just wanted to share my latest writing opportunity. I am now the Southeastern Illinois Early Childhood Education Examiner for Examiner.com. I did a lot of research on this writing opportunity and considering they needed a writer for an area of my interest, I applied. I was contacted that my application and writing samples were accepted and they offered me the writing opportunity. I just started today and only have one article up on my site. But, I wanted to share it with everyone. Please check it out and leave me comments. And keep checking back because I will be adding to it weekly. Even if you are not in Illinois, if you are interested in early childhood education or know of someone that does, it will be interesting to you no matter where you live.

Can't wait to hear what you think!
Southeastern Illinois Early Childhood Education Examiner


  1. Bobbi, I wish they had teachers like you when I was a kid. Congratulation.

  2. Thanks John! That's very nice of you to say! :o)

  3. Congrats Bobbi! How very exciting. What a wonderful opportunity. I'm part of the SFC family also... just stumbled across your blog.
